Purpose vs Mission: What’s the Difference?
What is the purpose of an organisation? How does understanding the difference between vision and mission help an organisation? While it goes without saying that understanding the purpose, vision, mission, goals, and strategy is key to organisational success, many often misunderstand it.
Every organisation has a purpose and mission, which many often use interchangeably but are not the same. Understanding the difference between the two can provide clarity and direction for an organisation, ensuring that it remains focused and aligned with its overall goals and values. Understanding the purpose and mission of an organization can have a significant impact on its culture and growth. A clear purpose and mission provide a shared understanding of what the organisation is trying to achieve, its values, and how it intends to impact its stakeholders and the world positively.
This article will explore the purpose, vision, mission, goals and strategy in detail.

The purpose of an organisation is the reason why it exists. It is the guiding force behind everything that the organisation does. The purpose is a statement that defines the company’s overall direction and gives its employees a sense of meaning and direction.
The purpose of an organisation is often described in broad and general terms. It is a reflection of the company’s core values and beliefs. A company’s purpose should be inspiring and aspirational, providing a sense of purpose and direction to the organisation’s employees.
For example, the purpose of a non-profit organisation may be “to improve the lives of underserved communities through education and advocacy.” This statement defines the company’s overall direction and provides its employees with a sense of meaning and direction.
The purpose of an organisation is not something that changes over time. On the contrary, it is a guiding force that remains constant and provides stability and continuity to the organisation.
An organisation’s mission is a statement that defines the company’s purpose and the specific goals it aims to achieve. It is a more specific and actionable statement than the purpose.
The mission statement should be clear, concise, and measurable, giving the organisation’s employees direction and focus. It should define the company’s overall strategy and provide guidance for decision-making.
For example, the mission of a non-profit organisation may be “to provide free after-school tutoring to at-risk youth in underserved communities.” This statement defines the specific goals that the organisation aims to achieve and provides direction and focus to its employees.
An organisation’s mission can change over time as the company evolves and adapts to changing circumstances. Therefore, it should be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with the company’s purpose.
In addition to organisational purpose and mission, some organisations also have a vision statement. While purpose defines why an organisation exists and mission defines the specific goals that the organisation aims to achieve, vision is a statement that describes what the organisation hopes to accomplish in the long term.
Vision is often an aspirational statement that inspires and motivates the organisation’s employees to work towards a common goal.
Vision statements differ from mission statements because they are not specific or measurable. Instead, they are more like a dream or an ideal that the organisation hopes to achieve in the future.
For example, the vision of a non-profit organisation may be “a world without poverty” or “a world where every child has access to quality education.”
Organisational purpose, mission, vision, strategy and goals are all essential to an organisation’s overall direction and success.
Purpose and mission answer the “why” and “where” questions. An organisation’s purpose is why it exists and provides a sense of stability and continuity to the organisation. The mission statement defines the company’s overall strategy and guides decision-making. It is a more specific and actionable statement than the purpose, outlining the specific goals that the organisation aims to achieve.
In addition to purpose and mission, vision is an aspirational statement that describes what the organisation hopes to achieve in the long term. It is often an inspiring and motivating statement that provides the organisation’s employees direction and focus. Vision statements differ from mission statements because they are not specific or measurable. Instead, they are more like a dream or an ideal that the organisation hopes to achieve in the future.
Organisational strategy and goals answer the “how” and “when” questions. The strategy outlines how the organisation will achieve its mission and goals. The strategy should be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with the organisation’s overall direction.
Goals define the specific, measurable targets the organisation aims to achieve within a given timeframe. Therefore, organisations should review the goals and update them to reflect changes in the organisation’s priorities or external circumstances.
In summary, purpose defines the reason why an organisation exists, mission defines the specific goals that the organisation aims to achieve, vision is an aspirational statement that describes what the organisation hopes to achieve in the long-term future, the strategy outlines how the organisation will achieve its mission and goals, and goals define the specific, measurable targets that the organisation aims to achieve within a given timeframe. By understanding and effectively communicating these components, an organisation can stay focused and aligned with its overall direction and values, ensuring its long-term success.
You need to work out your strategy or mission before you work out your purpose. Ask this – “Why am I here in the first place?”
Purpose surpasses mission
One of the keys that differentiates excellent leadership from average leadership is understanding the concept of purpose. The purpose differs from the mission and is undoubtedly different from the strategy or goals!
Purpose answers the “Why” question that needs to be asked way before the other questions are considered:
Purpose answers the “Why” question:
“Why do we exist in the first place?”
Vision answers the “Where” question:
“Where do we want to be in 5 years’ time?”
Mission answers the “What” question:
“What are we meant to achieve?”
Strategy answers the “How” question:
“How can we best achieve our mission?”
Goals answer the “When” question:
“When (specific dates) do specific tasks need to be completed to achieve our strategy?”
Next Steps
Now think of the team that you lead. What is the overall purpose of that team? What is your overall purpose as their leader?
When thinking about the team you lead, it’s essential to consider its overall purpose. What is the reason why your team exists? By identifying your team’s purpose, you can provide your team members with a sense of direction and meaning, which can inspire and motivate them. Additionally, it’s important as a leader to identify your own purpose in leading the team. What are your goals and values as a leader? By identifying your purpose, you can ensure that you lead in a way that aligns with your personal goals and values, which can help you become a more effective and authentic leader.